
( 1529 - 1608 )

Julius Caesar

circa 1551


46 cm (18 ¹/₈ inches)

Signed on underside "I.CAE.A.I. / D.B.VECCHIETTI. / I.BOLOGNA.B.IN.G.A.S. / MDLI"

Private collection, Europe

Senator Bernardo Vecchietti (1514–1590), Villa Il Riposo, near Florence, c. 1551
By descent, Vecchietti family, until 1759
Private collection, Paris, before 1959
Private collection, Portugal, until 1974
William and Gabriella Robertson, Los Angeles, until 2016
C. Avery and A. Radcliffe, Giambologna, Sculptor to the Medici, exh. cat., Arts Council of Great Britain, Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh; Victoria and Albert Museum, London; and Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, 1978, no. 221
